Losing weight can be simple for some yet extremely difficult for others. Basically to lose your extra weight you will need to eat fewer calories than you burn. This can be done by increasing your activity level and reducing the amount of calories you eat. By doing this consistently you will lose weight. But let s look at why weight loss is so hard for some people. Losing weight requires us to change our habits, and we need to accept this is a long term change of lifestyle if we want it to be successful and keep that weight off permanently. Initially you need to decide whether reaching your weight loss goals is something you can do on your own or maybe you would find it easier with the help of a support group. There are many such support groups available and you can find one in your area by looking through your local newspaper or on the internet. One of the problems with dieting is that many diets are unappealing which makes them hard to sustain. But there are a lot of diets around off
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