If you want to lose weight then increasing the amount of daily exercise you do is a great idea but you must remember that you ve also got to eat properly. The two things definitely need to go hand in hand when you want to lose a little excess weight. There is a rule here you get fit in the gym but you lose weight in the kitchen it doesn t actually matter how many miles you run in a week if you keep treating yourself with a jelly donut when you ve finished. Actually, if you don t eat the right type of stuff you won t be able to maintain an intense exercise program anyhow. We ve all heard those poor, misguided souls who say I can eat whatever I like because I hit the gym three times every week wrong. Some people just don t realize how quickly you can eat an extra 500 calories (less than a minute) and how long it takes to work those calories off with exercise. If you take part in a high energy, intense cardio exercise program you will probably burn off around 40 calories in three minutes
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