Weight loss is a big issue for an important part of the American population. Even from young age we are subject to temptations such a fast food, sweets and carbonated soft drinks, which are poor in nutrients but rich in sugar, preservatives and empty calories. Once an individual passes a certain weight limit, controlling it becomes practically impossible. This is where the diet struggle begins. Experience shows that many overweight people want to shed their pounds as fast as possible. The most determined ones will starve themselves, hoping they will regain the looks they once had. Those persons ignore the fact that by starvation, the body is deprived of those nutrients that are needed to support life. This is how they can develop severe anemia or other nutritional illnesses. When this happens, they resort to doctors who put them back on real food. Soon, they return to their unhealthy eating habits and the pounds return, many times even in bigger numbers. What is it considered rapid we
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