I would like to tell you about my weight loss journey. A journey that saved my marriage, my relationship with my children and certainly my life. Hopefully, by reading my story, other overweight people will find hope that one day they will be able to pass on a story of successful weight loss. At 38 years old, and weighing in at 329 pounds, I was walking a tight-wire, teetering on the brink of divorce, ruined family relationships and possibly death. While my husband was supportive, he found that he was no longer physically attracted to me, and told me so. I was devastated, but could'nt blame him. My children were disappointed that I could no longer play with them, or join in family activities. I suffered from hypertension, sleep apnea, arthritis and several other weight-related issues. I had not been obese all of my life. I was always ten to twenty pounds overweight, but I looked and felt good, and was happy with my life. My weight problem began to creep up on me after I married, and be