Flash, a program put out by Macromedia, used to be the darling of the Internet. After all, it allowed websites to run splashy looking animations, and some of them were very beautiful. It reminded people of video or television, and some companies had elaborate Flash components to their sites. Today though, you might notice that a lot of sites no longer use Flash, and there are a few reasons why. You might think twice about using Flash on your site after reading this article. One of the most important reasons that Flash is terrible for your site is that it doesn t help you at all with search engine optimization, or SEO. The web spiders that are sent out by the search engines do not recognize Flash. It doesn t matter if you have a splashy, cool animation if you can t get anyone to your site, and throwing away search engine traffic for an animation just isn t good business. Flash is not something that comes with every computer. In fact, it often needs to be updated as well. Do you think p
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