Have you ever heard that saying, your work should speak for itself? If you are in web design, this should hold a much deeper meaning for because no matter if you have a good or a bad website design, it will tell the audience something about you, the designer. There are some functions and layout choices that stand out, though. If a visitor runs into a lightbox or a modal window on your site, this may let them know that you are only interested in their money. Pop-up ads are annoying and intrusive. They make the joy of visiting a new website short-lived by interrupting the user experience. This interruption can make people leave your site as quick as they arrived. If you have a site that has a lack of web accessibility, then this says that everybody is not important to you. It does not consider those that are disabled, those with older phones, or those with slower Internet. While a designer can choose to exclude people that choose a certain browser, it s not right to exclude those with c
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