In the beginning, sites were minimalistic. When Tim Berners-Lee launched the first ever web site from a lab in the Swiss Alps, he inadvertently stuck to the KISS principle: Keep It Simple Stupid. The site was but a single index page with black text on a white background and a few hyperlinks in blue linking to other similar pages. Yet the site s impact changed the future. This simplicity grew out of necessity. Down and upload speeds were still extremely low and so was the processing power of the computers. After all this was 1991, and for all intents and purposes the world was still stuck in the 80s. Graphical user interfaces via a mouse had just recently become all the rage, and the 3½ floppy disks were the coolest thing around, capable of a whopping 1.44MB in memory space. The first version of the official internet programming language HTML as devised by Berners-Lee and his team at CERN allowed for very little flexibility. Before soon its boundaries had been reached. Bandwidth also
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