Sunday, 12 April 2015


Heard the buzz around Jeunesse Global in Africa? Want to become a Jeunesse distributor in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya or other parts of Africa? We are enrolling Jeunesse Global distributors in Africa and we would love to connect with you to share more information on how Jeunesse is helping the people of Africa with amazing products and opportunity. Jeunesse Global is almost a 6 year old business that is growing at an amazing rate, due to the global opportunity offered by Jeunesse. Jeunesse offers a true global support system and platform so countries such as Africa can have the same or better success as the US, Canada, etc. Jeunesse has offices in Africa to offer local support for our African teams! By simply completing the distributor agreement you can become a Jeunesse distributor in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania and several other parts of Africa. Click here to join Jeunesse Africa. We believe anyone who is willing to work their

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