Sunday, 1 March 2015

Social Media Marketing Tips

Social media marketing is a great way to create a relationship with your customers. I have worked as a social media manager for the last 3 years. In those 3 years I have seen a lot of things. I have seen business who believe that social media marketing is just about tweeting out their specials and coupons. Businesses who market like that do not do well in social media. When people use social media they are looking entertainment and information. Coupons and special alerts are not entertaining or informational. Businesses who do well in this arena build relationships and rapport with their customers. The Iron Wall Must Come Down! The divider that neatly places customers and businesses into separate sides must be destroyed. We live in a world where the Internet has turned the average consumer into an enthusiast and there are more prosumers than ever. A prosumer is a consumer who becomes and expert on whatever he or she wants to buy. The Internet has made so that anyone can research a pro

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